The Research Team
Project Coordinators:

Prof. Nigel Hughes (Project Head)
Research Interests: Trilobite paleobiology and ontogenetic mechanisms in the early Paleozoic. Lower Paleozoic paleogeography and tectonics (particularly the early Paleozoic history of India and the peri-Gondwanan region).
Dept. of Earth Sciences, University of California Riverside
United States

Dr. Apsorn Sardsud
Research Interests: Evolution and stratigraphy of Paleozoic to Mesozoic sediments in Shan Thai (Sibumasu)Terrane, peri-Gondwana; Triassic conodonts; Geo-education and Geopark
Department of Mineral Resources

Prof. Shanchi Peng
Research Interests: Trilobite morphology, ontogenetic development, and phylogenetics based systematics. Cambrian biostratigraphy, primarily in China but with global correlations, and refining the Cambrian interval of the geologic time scale.
State Key Laboratory on Geology and Palaeontology, Nanjing Institute of Geology and Paleontology, Chinese Academy of Sciences

Mr. Kyaing Sein
Research Interests: Ophiolites. Myanmar's stratigraphy including ophiolites, Precambrian/upper Cambrian boundary, the Bawdwin Volcanic Series, and the Cretaceous through Eocene succession. Myanmar's suture zones.
Myanmar Geosciences Society (President)

Prof. Paul Myrow
Research Interests: Process-oriented sedimentary Geology. Paleoenvironmental analyses of lithofacies. Late Precambiran and Cambrian lithostratigraphy, detrital zircon geochronology, carbon isotope chemostratigraphy, and paleogeographic reconstructions.
Dept. of Geology, Colorado College
United States

Dr. Ryan McKenzie
Research Interests: Evolution of the Earth-life system as recorded in sedimentary successions and understood through detrital sediment geochronology, geochemistry, and biostratigraphy.
Dept. of Earth Sciences, The University of Hong Kong
Prof. Sachiko Agematsu-Watanabe
Research Interests: Conodont taxonomy, biostratigraphy, and paleoenvironments during the Early and Middle Paleozoic.
Faculty of Life and Environmental Sciences, University of Tsukuba
Outreach Collaborators:

Ms. Marufa Chowdhury
Interests: Visual artist and illustrator exploring connections between humans and their physical and social environment
Project role: Illustrator for outreach projects

Mr. Sekhar Mukherjee
Interests: Visual documentation of natural history and earth sciences through comicbook and animation
Project role: Outreach
Director, National Institute of Design, Vijayawada, Andhra Pradesh
Project Secretary:

Dr. Shelly Wernette
Research Interests: Systematics, biogeography, and biostratigraphy of Upper Cambrian trilobites from the marginal Gondwanan terrane, Sibumasu.
Postdoctoral Researcher in Hughes Lab, Dept. of Earth Sciences, University of California Riverside
United States
Research Collaborators:

Prof. Jonathan Aitchison
Research Interests: Tectonic evolution of Gondwana and its diaspora in Asia, India-Asia collision, Arc-continent collisions in general, paleobiogeography and Paleozoic radiolarian biostratigraphy
SEES University of Queensland

Ms. Hla Hla Aung
Research Interests: Seismotectonics, earthquake geology, petrology, structure
Myanmar Earthquake committee, Myanmar engineering society, Hlaing University, Yangon

Prof. Aye Ko Aung
Research Interests: Geology and Palaeontology of Myanmar; corals
Department of Geology, University of Malaya, Retired

Dr. Clive Burrett
Research Interests: Palaeozoic geology, paleontology of Southeast Asia and Greater Gondwana
Paleontological Research Center, Mahasarakham University

Prof. Punya Charusiri
Research Interests: Tectonic evolution of mainland SE Asia; gold metallogenesis, tectonostratigraphy, mineral exploration.
Chulalongkorn University

Mr. Ravi Chaubey
Research Interests: Early Paleozoic Integrated Litho-Bio-Chrono-Sequence Stratigarphy of Spiti-Kinnaur Basin, Lesser Himalaya Basin and Bikaner-Nagaur Basin (India and peri-Gondwanan region).
Centre for Advanced Study in Geology, Panjab University, Chandigarh and Geologist at Geological Survey of India

Dr. L. Robin M. Cocks
Research Interests: Ordovician to Devonian brachiopods, stratigraphy, and paleogeography globally and with a focus on south-east Asia
Department of Earth Sciences, The Natural History Museum, London
United Kingdom

Mr. Cody Colleps
Research Interests: The use of geo-/thermochronology and geochemistry to understand the erosional and uplift history of source terranes and their sedimentary products, particularly in Paleozoic Sibumasu.
Graduate Student in McKenzie Lab, Dept. of Earth Sciences, The University of Hong Kong
Prof. Mihir Deb
Research Interests: Economic Geology, Precambrian Geology, Sustainable Development of Mining Environments, Geological Education
Department of Geology, University of Delhi
Ms. Louisa Dent
Research Interests: Ordovician lithostratigraphy, sequence stratigraphy and chemostratigraphy in the Canning Basin, WA and regional to global applications
Geological Survey of Western Australia

Dr. Mathew Domeier
Research Interests: Paleogeography and the history of plate kinematics
Centre for Earth Evolution and Dynamics, University of Oslo

Dr. Stephen Dornbos
Research Interests: Cambrian paleoecology, paleobiology, and taphonomy
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
United States

Prof. Olaf Elicki
Research Interests: Cambrian and Ordovician; palaeoecology, stratigraphy, sedimentology, palaeogeography, marginal marine ecosystem evolution, biotic events in W. Gondwana (Middle East, N. Africa, Central and S. Europe); skeletal microbiota, trace fossils
Freiberg University

Prof. David Evans
Research Interests: Paleogeographic Reconstructions
Yale Universeity
United States

Prof. Oldřich Fatka
Research Interests: Cambrian and Ordovician stratigraphy, paleoecology, paleobiology, and taphonomy
Charles University Prague
Czech Republic

Dr. Richard Fortey
Research Interests: Trilobites, palaeogeography, and palaeoenvironments of the Ordovician. Formerly focused on Thai, Australian, and Sibumasu terrane fauna and more recently focused on Gondwanan faunas from Morocco
Natural History Museum, London, Emeritus Scientific Associate
United Kingdom

Dr. Rebecca Freeman
Research Interests: Cambrian-Ordovician linguliform brachiopods and small shelly fossils
University of Kentucky
United States

Dr. José Antonio Gámez Vintaned
Research Interests: Stratigraphy and Paleontology (late Neoproterozoic and early Palaeozoic biotas and trace fossils)
Dept of Geosciences, Faculty of Sciences & Information Technology, Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS (UTP)

Prof. Rodolfo Gozalo
Research Interests: Cambrian trilobites and arthropods, biostratigraphy and palaeobiogeography in the Mediterranean region and Cambrian global correlation. Murero (Spain) biota
Dept. Botánica y Geología. Universidad de Valencia

Mr. Than Htun
Research Interests: Tin / Tungsten exploration and research on land and offshore
Economic geologist

Prof. Jim Jago
Research Interests: Cambrian biostratigraphy; Tasmania, Antarctica, South Australia; Emu Bay Shale lagerstatte
University of south Australia

Ms. Ramanpreet Kaur
Research Interests: Cambrian biostratigraphy and sequence stratigraphic analysis of Spiti, India and their subsequent regional and global correlation.
Department of Geology (Centre of advanced study in Geology), Panjab University, Chandigarh

Dr. Kyi Khin
Research Interests: Geological and tectonic history of the Indo-Myanmar Ranges (IMR); Arakan Coastal Ranges in western Myanmar, and provenance of siliciclastic sequences in the Central Myanmar Basin, and Himalaya–Bengal-Andaman System
Senior Geologist, Public Utilities Board, Singapore

Dr. Somboon Khositanont
Research Interests: Igneous petrology for tectonic evolution and ore deposit research in Thailand and SE Asia
Director of Geological Resources Information Center at Department of Mineral Resources Thailand

Mrs. Tin Tin Latt
Research Interests: Carboniferous and Permian foraminifers and their paleobiogeographic distribution in Cimmerian continent; Paleo-Tethys, Mesozic andCenozoic foraminifers
Graduate Student and Senior lecturer, Department of Geology, University of Yangon
Dr. Mirinae Lee
Research Interests: Paleontology, paleoecology, and paleobiogeography of Paleozoic corals and coral-like organisms (coralomorphs), and calcareous algae
Division of Polar Earth-System Sciences, Korea Research Institute
South Korea

Dr. Seung-bae Lee
Research Interests: Early Paleozoic trilobites and stylophoran echinoderms from Korea, North China, and related regions: biostratigraphy, paleobiogeography, and evolution
Geological Museum, Korea Institute of Geoscience and Mineral Resources (Republic of Korea)
South Korea
Keat Lenarith
Research Interests: Cambodian fossils, paleontology, and biostratigraphy of ammonites in Eastern-Cambodia. Paleotethys sea and Indochina Terrance
Cambodian Ministry of Mines and Energy, Mineral-Geology Department

Prof. Guoxiang Li
Research Interests: Cambrian small shelly fossils (paleobiology, biostratigraphy, and paleogeography) from South China, Tarim, and North China; analyzing the radiation pattern of the Cambrian Explosion.
Nanjing Institute of Geology and Palaeontology, Chinese National Academy of Sciences

Dr. Qijian Li
Research Interests: Ordovician reefs and hypercalcified sponges from South China and Malaysia
Nanjing Institute of Geology and Palaeontology, Chinese National Academy of Sciences

Ms. Anastasiya Makarova
Research Interests: Cambrian trilobites, biostratigraphy, regional (Siberian platform) and global correlation
All-Russian Research Geological Oil Institute (Novosibirsk Branch)

Dr. Charles Makoundi
Research Interests: Geochronology and geochemistry of the volcaniclastic Semanggol Formation in Peninsular Malaysia and the implications for a mass extinction about 252 million years ago
University of Tasmania

Prof. Ian Metcalfe
Research Interests: Tectonic history and palaeogeography of eastern Gondwana and the Tethys ocean basins and the amalgamation of modern SE Asia using geochronology, magmatic isotope geochemistry, biostratigraphy, and conodont/radiolarian biogeography
University of New England
Dr. Andrew Mitchell
Research Interests: Mineral deposits and their tectonic settings
Mineral exploration and mining consultant
United Kingdom
Dr. Myo Myint
Research Interests: Paleozoic rocks of the western Malaysian Peninsula
Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS, Perak

Dr. Tin Aung Myint
Research Interests: Gold, silver, copper, and base metal mineralization; Petrology; Tectonic and metallogenic evolution of Myanmar, U-Pb geochronology; Pyrite geochemistry; Gondwana reconstructions in Myanmar region
University of Mandalay
Mr. Leon Normore
Research Interests: Geochronology, biostratigraphy, provenance, petroleum potential and regional correlation studies of the Lower to Middle Ordovician of the Canning Basin, Western Australia
Geological Survey of Western Australia

Dr. Tae-Yoon Park
Research Interests: Cambrian explosion, trilobite ontogeny, Cambrian trilobite biostratigraphy in Korea, Antarctica, and related regions.
Korea Polar Research Institute
South Korea

Prof. John R. Paterson
Research Interests: Cambrian faunas of East Gondwana, particularly the Emu Bay Shale Konservat-Lagerstätte of South Australia; palaeobiology and early evolution of arthropods (especially trilobites); Cambrian chronostratigraphy and correlation
Palaeoscience Research Centre, University of New England
Dr. Ian Percival
Research Interests: Orovician and Cambrian brachiopods; Ordovician and latest Cambrian conodonts; biostratigraphy, palaeogeography, palaeobiogeography
Geological Survey of New South Wales
Mr. Subhay Kumar Prasad
Research Interests: Cambrian of Lesser and Tethyan Himalayan zones, Himalaya, India
Panjab University

Prof. Brian Pratt
Research Interests: Stratigraphy, sedimentology, paleontology, paleoecology
University of Saskatchewan
Mr. Manop Raksaskuwong
Research Interests: geologic mapping and geophysical exploration
Department of Mineral Resources

Prof. Mega Fatimah Rosana
Research Interests: Ore Deposits, Petrology-Mineralogy, Gemstone, Geothermal, Geoparks
Faculty of Geology, Universitas Padjadjaran, Bandung

Dr. Thomas Servais
Research Interests: organic-walled microphytoplankton (acritarch), Lower Palaeozoic ecosystems and palaeo(bio)geography
University of Lille

Mr. Husain Shabbar
Research Interests: Palaeontology, Biostratigraphy, Palaeoecology and Palaeoenvironment of Ordovician - Devonian of Tethyan Himalaya, India
Gondwana Palaeobiology Lab, Birbal Sahni Institute of Palaeosciences, Lucknow

Mr. Mohammad Sharifi
Research Interests: Post-collision process in ophiolites (hydrothermal systems, alterations, listvenitization, and also mineralization), especially PaleoTethyan ophiolites in central Iran.
Graduate student in economic geology at Department of Earth Sciences, Shiraz University

Dr. Yuefeng Shen
Research Interests: Biosedimentology; Carbonate sedimentology and diagenesis; Fossil calcimicrobes, calcareous algae and calcified sponges; Biomineralization and organomineralization; Cathodoluminescence and fluorescence microscopes
Hefei University of Technology

Dr. Birendra Singh
Research Interests: Cambrian biostratigraphy (trilobite) and paleogeography (particularly India and peri-Gondwanan region) and lower Paleozoic paleontology of India's northern margin (biostatigraphy and paleogeography)
Department of Geology (Centre for Advanced Study in Geology), Panjab University, Chandigarh

Ms. Garry Singla
Research Interests: Cambrian trilobite biostratigraphy and geochemical studies in Spiti, India and their subsequent regional and global correlation.
Department of Geology (Centre of advanced study in Geology), Panjab University, Chandigarh
Dr. Weerapan Srichan
Research Interests: Tectonic evolution in mainland SE Asia; Igneous petrology, age dating and ore deposits
Department of Geological Sciences, Chiang Mai University

Dr. Haijing Sun
Research Interests: Paleontology, paleobiology, taphonomy, and phylogeny of hyoliths.
State Key Laboratory of Palaeobiology and Stratigraphy, Nanjing Institute of Geology and Palaeongology

Mr. Naing Maw Than
Research Interests: Data evaluation on geotechnical instruments, Tectonic framework of SE ASia, Tectono-magmatic development of Myanmar, basin and reservoir characterization, and mineral exploration
Myanmar Geologists Society of Singapore (MGSS)

Dr. Hathaithip Thassanapak (Udchachon)
Research Interests: Radiolarian biostratigraphy of the Palaeozoic and Triassic successions in SE Asia
Applied Paleontology and Biostratigraphy Research Unit, Department of Biology, Faculty of Science, Mahasarakham University

Dr. Halay Tsegab
Research Interests: Carbonate sedimentology and stratigraphy
Department of Geosciences, Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS

Dr. Dhiti Tulyatid
Research Interests: Regional tectonics of Southeast Asia and the application of airborne geophysics to mineral exploration and tectonic studies
CCOP: Coordinating Committee for Geoscience Programme in East and Southeast Asia.

Dr. Mongkol Udchachon
Research Interests: Biostratigraphy and palaeoenvironment of Palaeozoic sequences in SE Asia using conodonts, radiolaria, fusuline, and sedimentology
Applied Palaeontology and Biostratigraphy Research Unit, Department of Biology, Mahasarakham University

Dr. Tanot Unjah
Research Interests: Conservation Geology, Tourism, Nature Conservation and management, Geomorphology and Natural Hazard and climate change adaptation
Langkawi Research Centre and Institute for Environment and Development (LESTARI), National University of Malaysia

Dr. Thanis Wongwanich
Research Interests: Thai Ordovician carbonate sedimentology and diagenesis
Department of Mineral Resources

Prof. Shuhai Xiao
Research Interests: Ediacaran and Cambrian Earth history, with a focus on the evolutionary history of multicellular eukaryotes and its environmental context
Virginia Tech Department of Geosciences
United States

Dr. Xianfeng Yang
Research Interests: Stratigraphic divisions and paleontology for the Cambrian system
Associate Professor, Key Laboratory for Paleobiology, Yunnan Province

Prof. Khin Zaw
Research Interests: Tectonic and metallogenic evolution of SE Asia and U-Pb Geochronology, Stable and Radiogenic isotopes, Geofluids, Pyrite, Geochemistry, Mass Extinction, Ocean Anoxia, and Gplate Gondwana reconstructions in Myanmar region
CODES Centre of Excellence in Ore Deposits, University of Tasmania

Prof. Xingliang Zhang
Research Interests: Cambrian paleontology and stratigraphy
Department of Geology, Northwest University

Prof. Yuandong Zhang
Research Interests: Early Paleozoic stratigraphy and graptolites
Nanjing Institute of Geology and Paleontology
Dr. Yong Yi Zhen
Research Interests: Palaeontology, palaeogeography, palaeoecology and biostratigraphy of the Early to Middle Palaeozoic conodonts, corals and stromatoporoids from Australia and Asia
Geological Survey of New South Wales

Dr. Xuejian Zhu
Research Interests: Trilobite paleontology, including ontogeny, phylogenetics, biostratigraphy, and paleogeography
Chinese National Academy of Sciences, Nanjing Institute of Geology and Palaeontology

Prof. Andrey Zhuravlev
Research Interests: Early metazoan evolution, palaeoclimatioly, biomineralization, preservation, carbonate sedimentology; Ecology & functional morphology of Neoproterozoic/Cambrian fauna and flora; Interplay of Neoproterozoic-phanerozoic biotic and abiotic events
Division of Biological evolution, Moscow State University
Mr. Suraj Arjun Bhosale
Research Interests: Palaeontology, palaeogeography, palaeoecology and biostratigraphy of the Jurassic Spiti Shales of Indian Himalaya and its correlation with peri-Gondawanan basins.
KSKV Kachchh University