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Public Outreach
Aa Than and the Strange Stone Animal - A geologic children's book for Myanmar

Building on experience with science based outreach in India and Bangladesh (see the Monisha Project) IGCP668 is developing a children's book based on the occurrence of marine fossils on mountain tops. This will be an educational tool to teach place-based geology and the skills of scientific inquiry. This theme is being developed in collaboration with Bangladeshi visual artist Marufa Chowdhury whose work draws inspiration from the connection between humans and the history of the land and landscape (see Marufa's art). This book is being produced with support of the Geological Society of America through an E-an Zen GSA Outreach Grant.
Support for Thailand's Satun National Park and UNESCO Global Geopark

Thailand's Satun National Geopark (and recently accredited UNESCO Global Geopark) is home to Ko Tarutao, one of the islands in Satun Geopark. Ko Tarutao contains numerous outcrops of Cambrian fossiliferous sandstones and is central to IGCP 668's research goals. As part of our close research relationship with Thailand's Department of Mineral Resources (DMR) and extensive work on Tarutao, we are also helping the DMR develop educational materials and promote the geologic significance for this island.
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