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Recent News
Shu Lei 27 November 2020
It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of Shu Lei, beloved wife of project leader, Shanchi Peng. An intrepid adventurer, Shu was an ever stalwart presence in the field, actively contributing to ICGP668 and so much of Shanchi’s other research. Our knowledge of the fossil record has been furthered by her discoveries. She will be missed by all who knew her.

Mahasarakham is hiring a researcher at the Paleontological Research and Education Center, Mahasarakham University, Thailand. See their flier for more information.

Paleontological Society
International Research Program (PalSIRP)
Sepkoski Grants
The Paleontological Society is pleased to announce continuation of its expanded small grants program for paleontologists living in Eastern Europe and republics of the former Soviet Union, Central and South America and island nations of the Caribbean (excluding possessions’ and territories of the USA and western Europe) and the continent of Africa.
The IGCP 668 inaugural meeting opened on 29 November. It was attended by representatives from ten different countries and featured both experts in the field as well as students and young professionals. The meeting was followed by the post-meeting excursion where twenty international participants and a team from Thailand's Department of Mineral Resources observed the Cambrian-Ordvocian deposits from the Satun Global Geopark.

Congratulations to the Hughes Lab for receiving the E-An Zen Outreach Grant from the Geological Society of America. This grant will fund the publication of a book currently being written to teach children in the villages of Bangladesh and Myanmar about the geological processes that preserve and expose fossils. The book will be illustrated by Bangladeshi artist, Marufa Chowdhurry. Read More
Are you working on a geoscience education outreach project? Go to your local geological society as well as international organization to find out more about available funding sources.

9 June 2018: Tossaporn Nuchanong, Director-General of Thailand's Department of Mineral Resources, along with Apsorn Sardsud and Suvapak Imsamut, recently visited the University of California, Riverside, United States. The purpose of this visit was to further collaboration networks, start planning the first IGCP 668 meeting, and to visit museums in the Los Angeles, California area to tour archival and collection methods.
Clockwise the photographs show: 1) Viewing a potential new trilobite genus from Satun geopark with Nigel Hughes and Shelly Wernette; 2&3) Tossaporn Nuchanong addressing graduate students and faculty from the Earth Sciences department at the University of California, Riverside to express the importance of international research collaboration.