Do you have photos from an IGCP 668 meeting? Photos of your team doing related research or outreach? Send them to our webmaster with a caption, and they will be posted here.
2020 Meeting & Shan Excursion

Excursion Participants
Project co-leader Ryan McKenzie attracts the attention of Yangon's dock workers while he takes Irrawaddy River samples for analysis.

Project leader, Nigel Hughes, opens the IGCP 668 session at GeoMyanmar 2020.

Project co-leader Paul Myrow introduces the youngest attendee, Michal, to reading the sedimentary record.

The excursion team explores the Precambrian Chaung Magyi on the way up the Shan Scarp.

Nigel Hughes directs the day's field plans before taking off for the outcrops. Photo credit Husain Shabbar
Stopping to check out some Silurian graptolites on the way down to look at the Cambrian. Photo credit: Husain Shabbar

Field transport. Photo credit Husain Shabbar
Doctoral candidate, Husain Shabbar with project leader, Nigel Hughes. Photo credit Marufa Chowdhury

Padongaing Village provided transportation, meals, and cultural advice for our outreach projects. We brought some gifts of gratitude (left: a rock hammer given to the village headman; upper left: books for the local school; upper right: stuffed toys for each child, made by outreach artist Marufa Chowdhury).

Project co-leader, Paul Myrow, kills time by emberassing himself trying to arm wrestle with the men of the village (this is not the proper form). - photo credit Husain Shabbar
Long field days leave just enough time for some evening exploration of the local town and temples.

Seth Finnegan expounds on the phenomenal Cambrian-Ordovician sequences exposed in the U.S.'s Basin and Range Province during the pre-conference excursion.
Apsorn Sardsud prepares to depart for the pre-conference excursion, showing off the field guide for the trip sponsored by IGCP 668
Much gratitude to the Los Angeles County Museum of Natural History for hosting workshops on photogrametry and how to catalog and ship fossils to share important materials while minimizing the risk to specimens
IGCP 668 coordinators Ryan McKenzie, Apsorn Sardsud, Paul Myrow, and Sachiko Agematsu at the symposium on Cambrian-Ordovician biodiversification.
Qijian Li presents on Early Ordovician reef fossils collected during the 2018 IGCP 668 post-meeting excursion to Tarutao, Thailand.
Satun Excursion

Excursion Participants
Left: Tae-Yoon Park and Seung-bae Lee study some trilobite remains on the outcrop
Right: Nigel Hughes shows off the sandstones and tuffs near the Cambrian-Ordovician boundary at Ao Pante Malaca

Excursion participants eagerly await the boat that will take them to Tarutao
Narongrit Thongprue, the Satun UNESCO Global Geopark director, came to give support to IGCP 668 and the excursion

Speedboats were used to reach outcrops around the island.

Tarutao may be a remote island nearly unspoiled by human habitation, but you can still relax in the evenings with some of that world famous Thai cuisine.

Taking a closer look at the Thung Song Limestones
Li Qijian getting on and off the boats at outcrops.

Sometimes there's a bit of wading through water to get to the outcrops.

Cody Colleps gets a closer look at the Ordovician deposits on the mainland portion of Satun Global Geopark

(left and below) The excursion starts with an inspection of Satun's Ordovician Hin Sarai units.

Relaxing on the beach after a day on the outcrops

IGCP 668 declares its presence near the Cambrian-Ordovician boundary at Ao Pante Malaka
Artists Sekhar Mukherjee and Marufa Chowdhury study the outcrops to draw inspiration for outreach projects where they will help us more effectively communicate geologic principles to local peoples of South and Southeast Asia.
Artists Sekhar Mukherjee and Marufa Chowdhury study the outcrops to draw inspiration for outreach projects where they will help us more effectively communicate geologic principles to local peoples of South and Southeast Asia.
Gabriel Uhlein carries a boulder back to the boat from a particularly fossiliferous bed at Ao Talo Udang

2018 Meeting, Bangkok

Participants at the Inaugural IGCP 668 meeting
Nigel Hughes opens the technical session with a presentation on the scientific purpose of IGCP 668

Apsorn Sardsud (left) presents on the scientific and social significant impact of the UNESCO Global Geopark program. Li Qijian (right) talks about Ordovician reef systems

This meeting was made possible only by the tireless work of many people from Thailand's Department of Mineral Resources
Speakers came from all over the world, such as Brazilian researcher Gabriel Uhlein (left), and every stage of their academic careers, such as Post-doc Sun Haijing (right).

Thailand's newly appointed Director General of the Department of Mineral Resources personally welcomes IGCP participants at the opening dinner

Diying Huang presents on palaeoscolecids from the Chengjiang lagerstatte

Clive Burrett presents on the tectonic history of SE Asia

Somboon Khositanont chairs the opening session.
Somai Techawan, Deputy Director General of Thailand's Department of Mineral Resources, and Nigel Hughes, project head of IGCP 668, exchange gifts of welcome on behalf of their respective organizations.

Shanchi Peng (left) presents on important Cambrian stratigraphic markers and Hla Hla Aung (right) on the tectonics of Myanmar

Tae-Yoon Park presents on the early Paleozoic deposits of Antarctica but reminds us that sometimes the modern fauna is also worth a closer look.

Myanmar representatives at the meeting. IGCP 668's 2020 meeting will be in Myanmar.

Thank you to our MCs for the meeting. They did an excellent job keeping everything moving.

Children in Padongaing Village, Myanmar receive plastic cards with pictures of trilobites found in the mountains surrounding their home. Nigel Hughes (off camera) is explaining what fossils and trilobites are.

The Director-General and other directors from Thailand's Department of Mineral Resources meet with the Hughes lab to plan the 2018 meeting. Photo courtesy of Jerlyn Swiatlowski

Thanis Wangwanich and Apsorn Sardsud take a boat ride around Ko Tarutao's Ordovician limestones to reach outcrops of Cambrian Sandstone. This lovely island will host our Dec. 2018 post conference excursion.

Paul Myrow, Thanis Wangwanich, Shelly Wernette, and young geologists from Thailand's department of mineral resources find lots of trilobites in a seaside cliff of Ko Tarutao.